Kings of War: 2nd Edition Softback Rulebook
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The Kings of War 2nd Edition Gamer’s Edition Rulebook is a softback book that features the complete rules, magic items and force lists in a softback book, for taking with you to the battlefield.
- 48 Page Softback Rulebook. This book is designed for taking to the gaming table, removing all of the background to condense the number of pages.
- Elegant easy-to-learn rules, balanced and playtested by the community for casual and tournament play.
- New Magic Spells and Artefacts
- Eleven Force Lists: Forces of the Abyss, Forces of Nature, Undead, Dwarfs, Elves, Abyssal Dwarfs, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Basileans and the Kingdoms of Men.