
Monday 19 September

Pandemonium Games has partnered up with our good friends Quantum Gaming and will be hosting game nights and tournaments from their premises in the southern suburbs in order to support the local tabletop miniatures gaming community. We believe that this decision will be mutually beneficial not only to us as businesses but also to our customers.

In that spirit, we'd like to announce our first gaming evening on Thursday the 22nd of September from 6pm to 11pm at 23 Rotherfield Road in Plumstead. Bookmark Thursdays going forward as those will be our dedicated tabletop miniatures evenings. There's tables, terrain and coffee so please grab your favourite gaming partner and pop in for a game of whatever miniatures system takes your fancy. If you're new to the miniatures scene, don't fret - we'll be demo'ing different games each week. Check back under the announcements each week to see what that week's demo game is.

Demo game for the 22nd September: Guild Ball